Growing a successful business takes years of hard work and dedication. Also, your business’ reputation is based on the trust of your stakeholders, including customers and employees. But this reputation can be affected due to financial liability arising out of claims made by unhappy employees or customers. Servicing these claims can take a toll on your cash flows and hamper routine business activities. In this situation, having commercial general liability insurance to protect your business from such unexpected pitfalls can be a boon.
This policy protects your business from legal accountabilities involving compensation to stakeholders is termed as commercial general liability insurance. All organizations require this insurance to safeguard their business and financial interests.
Any claims made against public liability as well as product liability are covered under a commercial general liability insurance policy. Say, for example, a client visits your manufacturing facility and while taking a look around the premises, he trips over, which results in injury. The client can file a claim of negligence against your business and stand to receive significant compensation. Commercial general liability insurance can help avert such financial losses for your organization.
Unique Policy - 3 Coverages in 1 With a broad-based wording that has withstood scrutiny in the most litigious jurisdictions of the world, Comprehensive General Liability provides comprehensive protection against:
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